Wednesday, May 13, 2015



  • DAVID P: If you woke up in bed and saw a huge spider walking over you, what would you do? irene:I would catch and be my friend forever
  • irene: If you were to be killed, what part of your body would you donate and why? david: I'd give my armpit
  • david: If you could live perfectly well without sleeping, if you had no need to sleep at all, how would you spend all your nights? irene: I'm a lazy bitch I like to sleep and not do anything
  • irene: If you were given one million dollars, what would you buy?david: i would give a book reading this, then think what to do with the.
  • david: If you saw your zipper was down and people had noticed, what would you do? irene: catch butterflies by prairie glamazonia
  • irene: If you could be an animal, what animal would you be? david: i would be a giant squid
  • david: If you were invited to have tea with the Queen of England, what would say? irene: i would ask about the running of the stupid birds and bunny have a boat, and his face is absolutly horror.
  • irene: If you were God, how would you transmit or let people know your message? david:I would send messages in chats so that would switch to 50 contacts, if they did not die at the 3 days
  • david: If you were American/Chinese/Mexican, how would your life be different? irene: if the appropriate accent put my fucking city.
  • irene: If you saw a robbery, would you report it?david: yes ;)
  • david: If you could be a plant, what plant would you choose to be? i would be a kaktus.
  • If you see a fish, what would you do?
  • if your family eat a big hamburguer, what would eat you?

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